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(2016) community-art residency program

artistic & general direction

Residents//Mieszkańcy was a residency program for young artists from Germany in Poznań, who focus on community-theater and projects in urban, site-specific settings.

Activating local citizenship and strengthening civic engagement the project was aiming at changing the understanding of the idea of ​​an artist residency itself: Each of the invited groups worked on a specific question that they posed to the city of Poznań and the people around Centrum Amarant. The invited artists worked in and with the neighborhood of the Centrum Amarant, co-creating each artistic project with the residents of the Jeżyce-district. The artistic residency designated thus a two-way exchange process between the invited artists, the neighbors as the 'residents‘ on-site, and the site of the residency itself.

Production Team:

Artistic & general direction Jan-Tage Kühling // Production manager Magda Popławska, Boris Słowikowski, Szymon Patrylak // PR & Media Boris Słowikowski // Video Mateusz Nowak // photo Paulina Miu Zielińska // Graphics & Design Maria Stożek

Invited Projects:

R#1: Archiv der flüchtigen Dinge: "Poznań, what do you need?"

Meret Kiderlen, Andreas Mihan, Isabelle Zinsmaier, Martin Paret, Paulina Miu Zielinska


Meret Kiderlen, Andreas Mihan, Isabelle Zinsmaier, Martin Paret, Paulina Miu Zielinska

For "Poznań, czego potrzebujesz - What does the city need? The 'Archive of Fleeting Things' recorded 10 residents of the city between 0 and 100 years old at their place of work, eating and sleeping. They asked about the most necessary things, their indispensable companions and their most ardent wishes. The video portraits were presented in a moving ancestral gallery, a blue bus that drove through the city and invited passers-by to exchange and to witness their city.


As the final outcome of the project, the 'Archive of Fleeting Things' archived over 90 responses and condensed them into a city's manifesto that was presented at Centrum Amarant.

R#2: Institut für Unvollendetes (IfU): "Poznań, what's your unfinished business?"

Kathrin Hylla, Laurenz Raschke, Kajetan Skurski (Theater im G-Werk)


Kathrin Hylla, Laurenz Raschke, Kajetan Skurski (Theater im G-Werk)

The 'Theater im G-Werk' from Marburg asked as the "Institute for Unfinished" about all the unfinished business of the people of Poznan.


Collecting stories, searching for scraps and fragments of reality whilst assembling the world's biggest puzzle, the IfU created a performative museum for everything that is half-finished, never thought through, ever-in-process and never ever done .

During its residence, IfU's headquater in the city-centre of Poznan hosted also the exhibition 'POLKA W BUDOWIE'.

R#3: "Poznań, what are you afraid of?: Choreographies of Fear, Responses to Invisible Strategies"

Lina Gomez & Julek Kreutzer


Lina Gomez & Julek Kreutzer

During "Choreographies of Fear - Residents//Mieszkańcy #3 Poznan, what are you afraid of?" Lina Gomez & Julek Kreutzer got in touch with the local community of Poznan, by talking about, reflecting upon, moving through, and questioning together the reverberations of fear. Exploring how fear is affecting and modifying the way the body moves in the world and what the physicality of a body moved by fear is, the artists created a space to develop, compose, transform and share conversations, images, unknown movements, common spaces, subtle dances: responses to fear and its invisible strategies.

Residents//Mieszkacy is a project by Centrum Amarant in cooperation with Theater-im-Turm Marburg & Goethe-Inst. Warsaw, co-funded by the Foundation of German-Polish Cooperation


© jan--tage kuehling 2022

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